Check Sources

Each Check runs independently from each other.

This means that every Pheck is responsible for getting a "source" of files or "input", and then process each one of them to see if it can find a violation.

These Source classes are useful for extracting the input we want to analyze.

The `run()` method

All Sources implement a run method. It will return a MatchCollection.

A match collection is a collection of the pair value|FileMatch. This means that your collection will know the File (and sometimes line) and the context.

List of Sources

If you're interested in creating your own source, take a look at the advanced section.


Perhaps the most used one. It allows you to specify a pattern and files. This class is a wrapper around the grep command.

use Juampi92\Phecks\Domain\Sources\GrepSource;

class ResourcesMustImportOurLocalResourceCheck implements Check
    public function __construct(
        // You can inject the source in the Constructor since
        // Checks are instantiated by the container.
        private readonly GrepSource $source
    ) {}

    public function getMatches(): MatchCollection
        return $this->source
            // Specify a folder (or folder pattern) to analyze.
            // Specify a grep regex to run against each file.
            ->pattern("use Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json\JsonResource;")
            // Add flags depending on the regex and results that you are looking for,
            ->addFlags([GrepFlags::IGNORE_CASE, GrepFlags::FIXED_STRINGS, GrepFlags::EXTENDED_REGEXP])
            // Run.


Given a directory, it will return the Classes (with Full Qualifier Name) inside. It can be recursive.

use Juampi92\Phecks\Domain\Sources\ClassSource;

return resolve(ClassSource::class)


Given a directory, it will return the Files inside. It can be recursive.

use Juampi92\Phecks\Domain\Sources\FileSource;

return resolve(FileSource::class)


Outputs the entire configuration.

Note: the configuration is dotted.

use Juampi92\Phecks\Domain\Sources\ConfigSource;

return resolve(ConfigSource::class)->run();

This is the example of the MatchCollection to array.

    {"key": "app.locale", "value": "en-us"},


Outputs the routes. It runs php artisan route:list --json behind the scenes.

use Juampi92\Phecks\Domain\Sources\RouteCommandSource;

return resolve(RouteCommandSource::class)->run();

This is the example of the MatchCollection to array.

        +name: "",
        +uri: "api/documents/{documentId}"

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