Making sources

It can be possible that you need to create your own source because what you need is not provided by Phecks.

Lucily, it's very easy to make them.

If you follow the recommended setup, you can allocate your Sources in ./phecks/Sources.

New Source

To make a source, make sure to implement the Source interface:

use Juampi92\Phecks\Domain\Contracts\Source;

It will make you implement the run method.

Also, you'll have to define the type of items this Source will return. You do that by using @implements Source<YourMatchType>

 * @implements Source<FileMatch>
class FileSource implements Source
    private ?string $dir = null;

    public function __construct(
        private readonly Filesystem $filesystem
    ) {}

    public function directory(string $dir): self
        $this->dir = $dir;

        return $this;

     * @return MatchCollection<FileMatch>
    public function run(): MatchCollection
        if (!$this->dir) {
            throw new RuntimeException('Please specify a directory using directory(string)');

        /** @var array<SplFileInfo> */
        $files = $this->filesystem->allFiles($this->dir);

        return MatchCollection::fromFiles(
                ->map(fn (SplFileInfo $fileInfo): FileMatch => new FileMatch($fileInfo->getPathname()))

You can use MatchCollection@fromFiles if you know you will feed an array of FileMatch .

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